What are PIWI vines?

To protect our vines from harmful a fungal infestation, we rely on the natural resistance of so-called PIWI varieties (fungus-resistant varieties). These are varities that have a naturally developed resistance to fungal attack. The resistance of PIWI vines to fungal attack means that the use of pesticides can be minimized.

How are fungus-resistant grape varieties created?

PIWI vines are crosses between different species of grapevines, in which the two characteristics of resistance to fungal attack and wine quality are combined. New fungal-resistant grape varieties are created through targeted breeding and selection. All PIWI grape varieties currently approved for viticulture are created by the method of classical vine breeding through natural crossbreeding. The breeder selects parent vines with the desired characteristics, crosses them in a targeted manner and selects the offspring with the best characteristics. The new vines are therefore not created with genetic scissors in the laboratory, but in the vineyard.

For many years, the breeding of new fungus-resistant grape varieties has been a focus of the work of various PIWI breeders. It is a generational project.

Which fungus-resistant grape varieties are grown in Tschäpperli?

PIWI vines from the breeder Valentin Blattner and the Freiburg Wine Institute in Breisgau are grown in Tschäpperli. The grapes of the PIWI varieties are fermented into high-quality wines and enrich our range. Valentin Blattner’s Cabarnet Blanc and Sauvignac varieties produce an intensely fruity, full-bodied wine with good acidity. The early-ripening grapes of the Muscaris variety (Weinbauinstitut Freiburg) are fermented in our cellar to produce an intensely fruity, floral and spicy white wine with a fine residual sweetness and strong acidity. And the Cabertine variety (Valentin Blattner) produces a strong, fruity red wine. Other PIWI varieties are Sauvignier Gris (Weinbauinstitut Freiburg) and Donau Riesling (Valentin Blattner). An area of around 90 acres is currently planted with PIWI varieties in Tschäpperli. The positive experience with the PIWI varieties has encouraged us to further expand this area.